Justin Maurice Scivetti Inspired Acrylic Flat Coating Technique 贾斯汀·莫里斯·西维蒂平涂技法丙烯画练习


Optical Art Inspired Drawing Foundation Training - The Beauty of Visual Illusion 欧普艺术控笔基本功综合训练 - 视觉错觉之美

Montage Inspired Hybrid Painting Skills Practice - The Memoir of Isabella Wong 蒙太奇混合绘画技巧实践 - 伊莎贝拉 · 王的回忆录

Quarzt Sand Pop Art Style Textured Painting 石英砂波普风肌理画

DIY Collage on Cardboard - Training of Imagination and Space Sense 手工拼贴画 - 想象力与空间感训练

Walter Ropele Inspired Landscape Oil Pastel Drawing 沃尔特·罗佩莱童趣油画棒木板画

Yayoi Kusama Inspired Creative Decorative Painting - The Practice of Chroma and Foundation 草间弥生创意装饰画

National Gallery of Victoria Outdoor Sketching 维多利亚国家艺术馆户外写生练习

Comprehensive Large Acrylic Painting of Abstract Art Technique 抽象艺术技法综合创作 -大尺寸抽象丙烯画

Portrait Sketching for Jackson Yee 易烊千玺照片写生素描头像

Coca Cola Realistic Color Pencil Drawing 可口可乐彩铅素描练习

St. Basil's Cathedral Texta Painting from Photo 圣瓦西里大教堂马克笔色彩写生

Yayoi Kusama Inspired Creatively Decorative Painting - Advanced Practice 草间弥生风 : 丙烯与马克笔的自画像趣味创作

Holli Conger Inspired Multi-materialed 3D Collage 霍利 · 康吉综合材料拼贴画

Portrait Sketching for MouHuan Jun 某幻君照片写生素描头像

Australian Aboriginal Elemental Experiment - Creative Animal Textured Painting 澳洲原住民艺术元素之动物画像创意练习

Family Portrait Watercolour Painting 全家福肖像水彩写生

"Those Flowers I Love" Watercolour Creative Sketch for Flower “那些我爱的花“ - 花卉水彩创意写生

Shao Shi Xin Inspired Small Pieces of Traditional Chinese Painting 邵世新国画小品练习

Real life Objects Sketch: Monochrome Pen Drawing 生活物件实景写生 - 单色勾线笔画

Holiday Program - Claude Monet Inspiration Water Lilies Acrylic Painting 假期班课程 : 莫奈睡莲丙烯画

Color Still Life Sketching - Advanced Practice of Comprehensive Use of Brushes 色彩静物写生 - 画笔综合运用之进阶练习


Email: chudanpeng1104@gmail.com

Instagram: @chudanpeng

Telephone: +61451104312


8 Sheila Street, Blackburn North, VIC 3130